Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Looking Up

Tuesday, April 1st
Brand new month! Yesterday just got better and better! I practiced colors and food in Khoekhoegowab (KKG) with my host family. My Tima even got out spools of yarn with different colors to help me practice. They even teased my little 5yr old because I knew the colors better than her in KKG. She knows all the colors in English, speaks KKG and English fluently but does not know colors in KKG. A neighboring couple stopped by the house and the man actually visited Texas A&M University years back to observe the agriculture aspect. I believe he works in foreign diplomatic work and has worked in Europe and New York a couple of years.

IMPORTANT NEWS!!!! Today, my language teacher identified all four separate clicks that I was doing! This is the first time I did them all right! Now I just need to continue to practice so I can say it right every time!

Today my class' April Fools joke was to sit in on different language classes, most of them got a kick out of it. My teacher just told the attempted jokers to move on. He is very funny and teases us in class all the time. He is always jolly, but often looks serious. The head trainer fooled us all and gave us this detailed story of why we were actually getting our site placements today instead of in a couple of weeks. We all believed it for a few minutes, then realized it was still April Fools and he tricked us all.

Just got done presenting to an after school club today. My group goes tomorrow discussing "changing bodies" and I am also going to cook for my family. Wish me luck!
My host sisters and myself


  1. Good luck cooking dear Taylo, you will rock it just like the FOUR SEPARATE CLICKS you now rock! Woooo you!
